25 July 2006

Photo sharing resource

MyPhotoAlbum is supposed to be the resource for storing, sharing and printing pictures via Internet. Well, I used it just for keeping my pictures online. The resource is really nice: it is updated constantly, it is easy-to-use, it provides to the visitor shrinked images with the possibility to get the original one. Well, everything is nice with it (except the fact that it does not allow to use it from the countries in the Eastern Europe region!).

Unexpectedly some weeks ago I received a message, that told me that for keeping using this service it is required to order at least one print during the year. What can I say: this service was created for trading and commerce, so no offense.

But now I'm looking for the substitution. My requirements are:

  • keeping the originals of the pictures

  • organizing pictures by albums and/or tags

  • easy and fast slide-show

  • direct non-dynamic links to the pictures

  • UI able to work in non-IE browsers (e.g. Opera)

  • fast hosting & large storage

The closest one for now is Flamber.ru. It does not provide slideshows though. But everything else at the first glance seems to be OK.

So, my photosite is slowly floating to the new hosting http://avalanche.flamber.ru/.